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Last Updated:
July 23, 2000
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About F1 Software
I started my own software company back in 1992 called Mushroom Software, which at
that time, was made for the purposes of distributing my Amiga & Sinclair Spectrum games I had been writing.
I was mostly doing PD and Shareware, distributing silly little puzzle games, which barely made a difference to
mankind as we know it, and only a small handfull of people actually liked. My most popular games were Cliffhanger
(Spectrum version of Hangman, fullly-loaded with graphics and animation), Twinz (Amiga pairs game) and a couple
of other bits and pieces.
It wasn't long after this that I first got in touch with Foundation author Paul Burkey, who at this time was also
an aspiring programmer, and not quite as famous as he is now. We began to exchange ideas, code etc. as well as
discuss projects, and I finally met him for the first time towards the end of 1997, and we still keep in touch
on a regular basis, and every time I travel back home to England, we always meet up for a jolly ol' piss-up at
the local nightlclubs!
The first real game I wrote was a re-make of my Original Twinz game. Twinz is a puzzle game, in which you have
to flip over 2 cards at a time, and try and match the images underneath them. To make it harder, I implemented
loads of bonus items, like shuffling up the tiles that were not uncovered, restarting the board, reducing time
etc. The new version took off, and even made it's way onto an Amiga coverdisk in France (I still have the magazine
and disk!)
I began to write my own little utilities on my trusty old Amiga, and usually worked on stuff for myself to automate
my daily tasks, instead of working on any real games. I did write a mass-mailer program, MPDMailpost, which went
on to be my most famous program, which I pulled off the market due to some naughty people using it to run some
dodgy warez sites. An update for the PC is planned in the next year or so, with many features over the original.
The biggest change for my company was when I emigrated to the United States in 1997, bringing my entire company
& software with me. The business was closed for a long time, because of all the necessary paperwork I needed
to obtain to be able to legally work in the US.
We also began to distribute titles from the F1 Software & 5th Dimension Licenseware software houses in 1998,
and at the end of 1999, I purchased both software companies to make me the largest Amiga licenceware company in
the United States. With the plummet of the Amiga software market, and other personal circumstances, all tradings
in the Amiga fields have been suspended until further notice. I began playing with PC coding at this time, and
am working on several new PC games, most of which can be found in our Products section.
That about covers it for the history of F1 Software, our first major PC game will be released shortly, and as we
release new items, these pages will reflect everything we do!!